Monday, July 30, 2012

When Death Approaches Unexpectedly

July 29, 2012

There are many ways one senses that they are coming to the end of their time in this part of reality. It can be a dream, a premonition, an event, other. For me, as of late, there has been the appearance of black birds - not common in my area - just before I hear about one or more deaths.

Yesterday I read a client, who lost her 23 year old son, Jamal, in a tragic car accident here in Brooklyn, on May 7, 2012. It was 11:45 pm as Jamal drove south along Ocean Parkway on his way home to Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn. The night was clear and all seemed well in the world as the young man, driving alone, approaching Avenue X - was in the wrong place - wrong time. Careening down Ocean Parkway, heading north, was another young man who lost control of his car and went head-on into Jamal's minivan. Jamal died 45 minutes later at Coney Island Hospital. Jamal was a fine young man from a loving family - college graduated - accountant - no substance abuse or emotional problems - well loved with many friends and no enemies.

The events of the days before he died unfolded, as I sat talking to Jamal and his mother. The first question his mother asked - the most common question - was: did he suffer, and the answer was no. At the instant of the accident, Jamal's consciousness left his physical body and he had a near death experience. We've heard scenario this before - but here is something new - at least for me. Jamal spoke about the days before he died. He had the feeling of being followed, especially in the subway station, by a man he would later come to understand was another aspect of his soul waiting to merge with him. The train (subway) station is a symbol for the place of transition between two realities - which you may remember from the film Matrix Revolution - as well as other films and TV shows. The train station as a metaphor also refers to a place to transcend time.

In 2012, we understand the multidimensional levels of reality and soul experience - and how they are merging as the simulation ends. You are much more than the person sitting there reading this. One of the ways you get a glimpse of who you are has to do with ...

Lucid Dreaming in 2012