Thursday, December 22, 2011

2012 Fun With Ben

My friend Ben shot the location footage at Occupy Wall Street for the latest episode of Rap News by theJuiceMedia [7:37]. Creators Giordano Nanni and Hugo Farrant from Melbourne, Australia use their characters Anchor Robert Foster, Conspiracy Theorist Terrence Moonseed and General Darth Baxter of the Military Industrial Complex; also featuring a guest appearance by Noam Chomsky, to provide perspective and commentary on the world as it approaches 2012. If the rap goes by too fast for you, you can click on the cc button on the video for subtitles.

Quote from Ben, "This year's headline: Will we avoid the precipice or dive off the edge? Whatever your preference - creed, conspiracy, or party membership - our fate could depend on what we want 2012 to represent. December 21, 2012 -- that we've subconsciously identified as our collective self-imposed deadline for correcting our way of life, with so much energy aligned at this point in time, with all that we are and could be -- is now potentially on the line."