Friday, March 9, 2012

Atlantis ~ Thule

Once upon a time there was a woman named Chanyee who lived in a region in the far north that went by the name Thule. Unlike the rest of the inhabitants, she had come from a place outside of space and time. Chanyee often had visions and dreams of many worlds, understanding her connection to them. During the long winter months she told stories of this place to the children, sharing imagery about a magical land where anything could happen and people lived in love and light created by The Great Crystals.

One day Chanyee read them a poem called Ultima Thule - linking Thule with The Quest - based on the creative imagination of a poet named Henry Wadsworth Longfellow as he pondered the journey of humanity. [Longfellow predominantly wrote lyric poems which are known for their musicality and which often presented stories of mythology and legend. He became the most popular American poet of his day and as well as being successful overseas.]

    With favoring winds, o'er sunlit seas, We sailed for the Hesperides, The land where golden apples grow; But that, ah! that was long ago.

    How far, since then, the ocean streams Have swept us from that land of dreams, That land of fiction and of truth, The lost Atlantis of our youth!

    Whither, ah, whither? Are not these The tempest-haunted Orcades, Where sea-gulls scream, and breakers roar, And wreck and sea-weed line the shore?

    Ultima Thule! Utmost Isle! Here in thy harbors for a while We lower our sails; a while we rest

    From the unending, endless quest.

That night a white light appeared in Chanyee's igloo,

the Ancient One manifesting before her.

He showed her igloos forming a stargate grid as auroras floated above.

"Behold the sky," he said, "for when the northern lights

are affected by the mighty forces of the sun

great change returns to the Earth."

Chanyee remembered.

The Ancient One showed her Thule as it once

existed in another time and place in Atlantis.

Chanyee saw herself living there,

when Thule was not covered in ice.

The land was fertile and there existed a highly evolved society.

The heavens were different - as were the seas.

And life centered around the Great Crystal Temple.

It was there she lived as a healer using crystal harmonics to balance the energies of all sentient life forms. When the great destruction fell upon Atlantis and the Earth cried out in a mighty roar - she could no longer heal those who came to her - for that reality would cease to exist. The Ancient One had come, as he does when one story ends and other begins. He showed her the image of what we call the swastika a vehicle that moves between time and space. She saw a connection to a man named Adolf Hitler and a group of people called the Thule Society. Hitler was looking to control the next evolution of humanity at a time it was struggling to be spiritually free. He was searching for a way to create the ancient Atlantean root race as an answer to his folly.

To protect the DNA codes of the Atlanteans, they had been

frozen within her crystal matrix, which Hitler could not access

the knowledge stored within for the next evolution of consciousness.

In the second decade of the 21st Century, the swastika would reverse - spiraling backwards - merging with the Atlantean grid - HER crystal knowledge released so humanity could understand what was about to happen in the cycles of existence. Once again the sun would speak as the lights from the north opened a stargate to the place called home.

The land once again would quickly freeze preserving the knowledge until it was time to be released as the souls moved to another experience. One day all would thaw, the knowledge returning to water which would flow into the oceans and into the next collective consciousness of humanity. Souls would speak of this place Atlantis recording stories about it so they could remember their time in this lost civilization, that has gone by many names.

Solar Storms

Aurora activity is spectacular - behold the northern lights. Friday March 9, 2012

Active sunspot AR1429 continues to grow

now more than seven times wider than Earth.

CME's -> geomagnetic storms affect power grids,

GPS, satellite communications, Pacific Ring of Fire,

dreams and one's perception of reality.

Great time to be in the energies of a Full Moon.

It all happens as is recorded in time.

March 11 - November 4, 2012

Daylight Saving Time

  Daylight Saving Time Google Video

Tempus Fugit Time Flies

Carpe Diem Seize the Day

Daylight Saving Time was first mentioned by Benjamin Franklin in a letter to the editors of the Journal of Paris. Ben also designed the first US coin. On one side he placed the word Fugio beside a sundial. Fugio in Latin means I Fly, and in conjunction with the sundial it implies "Time Flies." With the sun above the sundial, the effect of the design is rather artistic and coveys one of Franklin's favorite aphorisms, Tempus Fugit.