Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Ides Of March

March 15, 44 BC.
Julius Caesar is assassinated.

That probably sounds like ancient history to you, but as we look at the journey of humanity, and read about the life and times of Julius Caesar (July 100 BC - March 15, 44 BC) - the patterns are all the same - the struggle for fame and power, secrets and lies, pillaging and plundering (often wondering), womanizing, the insanity of it all. As history repeats itself in the cycles of time - today we live in a more upscale version of the same pattern. Like sands through the hourglass - these are the days of our lives - though maybe we live in his timeline also (the Roman grid program). You never know. I once saw myself as Cleopatra.

Grid Programs of Experience: The Middle East ->Greece ->Rome -> Celtic programs -> America -> and out ->

The Ides of March moves forward two days to the Celtic side of the coin and St. Patrick's Day.

Then there's the spiritual side - or so they wanted us to believe - when it came to the church.

    Fifty-five years before the birth of Jesus Christ, Julius Caesar encountered the Druidic religious culture in his invasion of Britain. Although only recently established in Caesar's day, the Druids exerted tremendous influence over British society; they were the priests of the primitive government, and possessed considerable authority as such. In addition to their spiritual duties, Druid priests were responsible for educating the youth, remained immune from military duty and taxes, and presided over civil and criminal legal matters (to the point of deciding controversies among states). They were the expression of both a local government and a community spirituality that were bound to a larger whole. They ruled with an iron fist - decisions by Druid priests were final and irrefutable. Their penalties were swift and severe, with many individual Celts and Britons banished from contact with civilization. Many aspects of Druidic culture surfaced in the formation of Celtic Christianity. Read more ...