Wednesday, January 2, 2013


It's Wednesday morning but feels more like Monday as students return to school in most areas and people return to the ever-changing world we call "work". I often wonder why so-called "light workers" call their activities "work" when in truth if it's light it's not work at all.

This has been a long winter break. Post-vacation stress will be felt by those who hate their jobs, and others in search of .... There are the dreams, the pressures, the backlog of emails and other things that seem overwhelming. But you know how to handle it. Focus, focus, focus. You've been here before, and if you were smart, have kept your schedule light the rest of this week ... returning next Monday with some well-planned kick-ass ideas for the new year.

When I finished my 2012 archives for December, I couldn't believe how much I had done and recorded in one month, starting with my trip to California that seems like a long time ago, but was just one month ago in linear time. I thought today would seem more real to me, yet the feeling is quite the opposite.

You can fool some of the people some of the time .....

The main focus, as always, is the economy, the skeptical more enlightened employees and business owners waiting for the next shoe to drop as the Fiscal cliff deal: House OKs proposal despite GOP objections. I'm not one to follow these events, though I know many readers, especially those who like a good argument, will voice their opinion now... and again when the follow-up situation occurs in a few months as nothing was actually resolved, the truth hidden.

How would you define yourself today?

You could check your online horoscope for today. ....... Did you really click the link and expect a generic response to define your day? Then you're still a 3D person searching for ways to justify and define your time here - to bring hope, and to learn more about yourself.

Let the games begin ....