Friday, September 13, 2013

September 13, 2013

About Friday the 13th

13 is a Fibonacci Number

Interesting Facts About Number 13

13 Facts About Friday the 13th

13 Common (But Silly) Superstitions

September 13, 2013 (sundown)

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur is the Jewish holiday of the Day of Atonement
and is the most holy day of the Jewish year.

Almost one year after Hurricane Sandy devastated the area ...

Fire engulfs buildings on famous New Jersey boardwalk

Remembering 9/11

Joanne on 9/11

Watch Joanne's Amazing Story
April 23, 2002

Yesterday I spent time with my neighbor Joanne Capestro, who almost died on 9/11. At the time was an executive assistant for Euro Brokers. She described her experiences in the North Tower as she ran down 84 floors to safety. Along the way she fainted and was saved by a firefighter, then later a police officer who guided her to safety. Once outside Joanne ran and ran and ran then hid under a car as things collapsed around her, the wounded and dead all around, some co-workers There were many who gave her comfort along the way including a priest from the local church.

I took of picture of Joanne from the video she lent me today. The video consists of interviews by people in her company about their 9/11 experiences. The flash from my camera on the TV screen looks as if she was protected. Joanne watched people she knew die. She suffered from survivor's guilt and post-traumatic stress disorder for 16 months. She has always been active in the 9/11 memorial dedications at Ground Zero. She received many calls in the past few days, but this year she decided she couldn't be around those energies anymore. She may never fully recovery from the events that day, but she has come a long way, and most of all takes care of herself. She is a beautiful soul who loves to help people.