Wednesday, June 7, 2017


Wednesday June 7, 2017

Twins mean different things from two offspring born from the same pregnancy, to the symbolism of something esoteric like the reunion of Above and Below, Twin Flames, to Yin/Yang, to Twin Spiraling DNA (11.11), to Twin Towers, to Rainbows, and more.

Yesterday (6/6), George and Amal Clooney welcomed their twins - Ella and Alexander born in a hospital in London a happy balance to the terrorism going on there now. Congratulations! The babies' names remind me of "Sarah and Alexander" and their reunion at the end of time to form a new creation in light. When I first read the names, I thought it said, Ellie and Alexander. LOL The announcement was followed by the email below from a reader of this blog, and a Facebook friend, Jill Broyles Holt.

Hi Ellie,

I had the most awesome dream last night! You were the owner of a stunningly gorgeous, ritzy beauty salon and I went there to have my nails done. The entrance to the salon was so up-scale, yet inviting. The decor was fabulous with an abundance of glass, mirrors and polished, glossy white surfaces. The salon was very busy, with many ladies receiving various beauty treatments along the right interior wall. They were so happy and stylish, being treated like royalty.

Suddenly, from amidst a group of ladies, you stepped out of the crowd and looked as if you had just received all the treatments your salon had to offer. Your hair was so shiny and full of body, like it had been rolled on large rollers and spritzed with an exotic oil. Your smile was beaming. Everything seemed to 'pause' and then the roof of the salon opened to the sky, magically.

You very calmly stated that this Reality we are currently experiencing was about to end, but that you could create. You then placed your hands out in front of your waist, 5-6 inches apart, and the most amazing thing happened! Beautiful purple lightning struck between your hands and you could control it. There were maybe 6 lightning bolts between your hands at once. As you moved your hands slightly further apart the bolts would thin and as you moved them closer together, they would thicken and become brighter.

You then told me to do the same thing; I could, but my lightning wasn't nearly as strong as yours. I could produce three bolts which would glow for a few seconds and fade, but I was still able to feel the energy. It felt like a strong static charge, or when you try to force two like-charged magnets together. The force was so exhilarating!

Then, you threw your lightning upwards, way into the sky, and small stars formed. They paused for a moment and then sailed out into the cosmos, growing as they went. You were making a new universe/Reality.

This morning, as I reflected on the energy of the dream, I realized that the way the atmosphere felt in the dream, I had experienced in my life twice before. Both times were when I was in the room with dying grandparents. They had lived long lives, had done what they came here to do, and were ready to go. I sat for several hours with each of them, knowing they would pass at any time. I could feel their souls outside their bodies, watching and waiting, ready to cross over. As I reflected, I realized this Reality is at the same point. This Reality is nearly done with the purpose it was created to fulfill. We will soon be off to a new Creation. I smile, wondering what those who are Creators will come up with next. I know you are among that group, Ellie! Cheers to creation and rebirth!
