Saturday, October 27, 2012

I'm Ellie Crystal and
I approve these messages .... :)

The Key Part II - Ellie Finds the Key   Mystery, Music, Magic

On the matter of Messages and Keys ... Since this all began on October 14, 2012, this is what I have pieced together as personal messages to me.

My metal keychain was given to me 33 years ago by my daughter's friend Dawn, whose birthday happens to be October 14th. The Key has to do with birthdays and rebirth.

Ellie and Diana 1951

Since October 14, I keep seeing the image of my childhood classmate Diana, in Coney Island, when we took this picture in front of our school, P.S. 80 on West 17 Street (more 8's). I was too busy to look for this picture, still it repeated in my consciousness until I found it today.

3022 West 22 Street in Coney Island

Saturday, October 27 -- Today is my daughter Zsia's birthday. I woke up dreaming about a metal skate key, which seemed very important. It was time to look at my childhood photo album where I found this photo of me wearing my skates, next to the photo of Diana and I. On the back of the photo my mother wrote, Elinor's 8th birthday, February 17, 1951. On that birthday, I entered an 8 Year. (2+17+1951) = 8. The old building looks like it has a series of verticals Z's on either side of the door, as if mirror images of each other, which remain to this day. I would have to go back to see if there are 8 Z's. The building was owned by a man named Mr. Wade. A few months ago, George and I parked in front of the building and got the strangest stirrings.

I searched the address and found this image so there are probably 8 Z's.

George and Ellie's Coney Island "Fringe" Experience February 11, 2009

My best friend growing up in Coney Island, was Susan Alexrod, whose initials are SA as in "Sarah and Alexander". Her family moved away a few months before mine did, so I have no idea what happened to her. Susan has strangely become a "messenger" to me in recent years appearing initially as a thought or in a dream just before another key to my destiny is given. I used to see her as she was in a photo I have of her, but now she has become animated, though still looking like a child. "Sarah and Alexander" ends with a rebirth into light.

Something about all of this speaks to me about the closure of the program, and grows more powerful each day. I await the next key. For now ... to quote William Bell (Leonard Nimoy) on "Fringe" ... a storm is coming ... and it could hit Coney Island very hard.. I have yet to watch the "Fringe" episode that aired last night. To be continued ...