Wednesday, October 1, 2014


In a sense, we are all test tube babies. Humanity is a bio-genetic experiment set in linear time to experience emotions and it's been rocky ride - still is for most people. The patterns are all there - just code. Are we trapped here? In ignorance for sure, and yes, we are for now. You can say that it was created by aliens, the hologram, or anything else, but it does have its own agenda. There will always be diseases - old and new - as the pattern is about breakdown and healing. Is it a terrible program? Like anything else in a bipolar electromagnetic energy reality - it has its positives and negatives.


As predicted ... ebola is here. Stayed tuned for more....
  Texas: First Ebola case diagnosed in the US   BBC - October 1, 2014


Next we find enterovirus attacking children and sometimes causing limb paralysis. This is so sad. Did you see these children on the news?


Many people are prone to disease in colder weather from physical to emotional which includes Seasonal Affective Disorder SAD. That list is long and usually involves respiratory diseases and flu.


Autoimmune Diseases: From what I am reading and noticing in clients and other people - autoimmune diseases are on the increase. They always have an emotional component - usually depression and an inability to work. It's most often about the breaking down of someone's physical body after years of anxiety and stress. It can also be genetic. Most people with autoimmune diseases look for answers in holistic medicine.


Mold: A client removed old wall paper in a house she was restoring - only to discover there was mold behind it. The wall was then torn down and new dry wall put up. She explained that her new textured wall paper has a different adhesive than in the old days and is easily removed when change is needed. She also suggested a professional to hang the wall paper.