Thursday, October 9, 2014


Worth watching ...   A sperm bank just for supersmart people   CNN - October 9, 2014


You know what's going on with ebola, war, violence, the human dysfunctional experience, and all the rest I blog about daily. What more can I say as we move closer to Zero Point? It's all as predicted and totally predictable. Consider yourself lucky if you understand reality - and lost if you don't.

Food and the Human Experience

October 9, 2014

As far back as I can remember, we have been told what foods are good for us and what foods we should avoid, some of these conclusion later retracted by the medical community. Food choices are strictly a personal experience based on one's genetics and predispositions to allergies among others things that alter what we eat. The best foods are fresh foods. Diets work if one sticks to them. Allergies to foods can cause physical damage to the body and must be explored. Obesity is an epidemic in many countries including the US. There's emotional eating and physical eating - we all know the deal. For as long as this reality continues, food will be a main topic of conversation as it is part of the healing process and that's what we're about. Would you prefer a pill to meet your nutritional daily requirements? What is Orthorexia? Articles about food this week

Wednesday - Ellie in Mercury Retrograde

8:00 AM

I'm having a Mercury retrograde day. It all started at 5:30 when I got up to watch "Person of Interest" which I recorded last night. Before that I decided to check email which was probably my first mistake as there was email from overseas advertisers, clients who want appointments today, and more. And so I started my day at the computer and still have not caught up though I will in the next few hours ...


I managed to watch the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse - another blood moon - with Chris the weatherman on NBC around 6:30 - very cool but nothing that stirred my soul.
  'Blood Moon' lunar eclipse seen in Americas and E Asia   BBC - October 8, 2014

As I scrolled down Ellie's World - making my usual stop at the earthquake map - I was drawn to the 6.2 earthquake in the Gulf of California today. You can't have an eclipse without a big earthquake which took me to an article from last week - Earthquake swarm: Why 600 mini-quakes hit Mammoth Lakes, Calif.   CSM - September 27, 2014

Email just in from an advertiser in Bali ... have to run.


Two hours later in retrograde

The porter in my building has been trying to remove the portable air-conditioner in my office. So far he has been called away three times and yet we are not giving up as it sits in my foyer waiting to leave for the winter. My other two air-conditioners - in the bedroom and living room - are both heaters and air conditioners so they remain all year. They are new and work great.


5:20 PM

Crystalinks' new advertisers are all posted and happy. Glad that all worked out well as some of their new codes are foreign to me.


On my way home from putting my air conditioner in the storage locker, I stopped to buy new plants for my bathroom at Home Depot which is in the same area. I drove across the parking lot and parked outside the 'plant area'. I only wanted one to two plants but soon found myself filling up my shopping cart as these plants all called out to me. I love the braided ones never having had anything like them. "What luck in retrograde" I thought as I walked to the far end of Home Debut to pay. One by one the cashier neatly checked out each plant until she got to the purple one then made a face. "No! Not the purple one .... could it have a problem?" As we both stood there admiring it, she told me it didn't have a barcode so she couldn't scan it. I had two choices. She could call someone who would walk over to the plant area and get another one just to scan or I could walk back and get one then bring it back to her. I chose to walk the walk.


Driving home - only 4 exits away - the traffic suddenly stopped. Mercury - the God of Transportation - had reared his ugly head once again. Sadly there was a fender bender on the highway - no injuries - just delays.

Back at home I did my best to catch up with the things I had left undone from the morning.

After the plants were put on their shelves, the phone calls returned, and the emails answered... I sat down to watch "Person of Interest". Ding dong! Now what? It was the FedEx guy who needed to be let into the building. I peaked outside to make sure it was really him and yes his truck was there so I pushed the buzzer and let him in.

I looked at the clock and realized there was no point in trying to watch "Person of Interest" as it was almost time to read my next client.

After the reading ... nothing was going to stop me from my rendezvous with Harold, John and the rest of the cast. They would not disappoint. Loved the episode. Sometimes the best is left for last.