Monday, March 7, 2016

Nancy Reagan

Nancy Reagan   Wikipedia

Nancy Reagan - July 6, 1921 - March 6, 2016

Acting was good training for the political life that lay ahead of us.

Nancy Reagan Quotes 1

Nancy Reagan Quotes 2

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes

It's Monday morning and cold in the city but not for long. This week promises to be a winner with temps up to 70 degrees on Wednesday. Weather sets the mood.

Politics headlines the news, but I am done with debates and following the campaign trail for now until something major happens ... as we march on to March 15 -another Super Tuesday. The 2016 campaign season will continue on like a soap opera until election day and there will be times you'll need to take a break. This week we'll find out if Ted Cruz is eligible to run for president and hopefully the end of Hillary Clinton's email scandal. The big question for the outdated Republican party is whether or not they can stop Trump and go back to business as usual. The good old boys really want to keep their control games going.

March 8, 2016

International Women's Day Website

International Women's Day

March 9, 2016

New Moon 18° Pisces Solar Eclipse

NASA's science during the March 2016 total solar eclipse  
PhysOrg - March 4, 2016