Monday, December 17, 2012

Welcome to the last week before Christmas

This week will stand out in our minds as a time we prayed for 20 innocent young children who died last Friday in the Sandy Hook School Shootings. People across the world, especially those who have lost a child, pray with us. There is something about children that touches each us. Perhaps this comes from our own childhood or as far back as the moment we entered this reality when we lost our memory, our sense of who we are as consciousness and light, to come here and experience physical reality.

The 20 children who crossed over will make themselves known to those left behind, as their spirits move from fear and confusion on the day they died to consciousness and light at this special time of the year. Also, remember that Adam Lanza was a victim of his programming and was nothing more than a child himself. His soul too, lost in the chaos of time and space, seeks guidance and full consciousness ... and so it shall be.

There seems to be a synchronicity with the timing of death of the 20 children and the end of time, though it is not clear to me yet.

Sandy Hook Elementary School Shootings

The Star Child

There is another child remembered at this time, the birth of baby Jesus of Nazareth that connects millions around the world, another reminder of lost innocence and tragic death. This myth takes us to ancient alien theory and reality as myth, math, and metaphor created ito unite consciousness. Jesus was the Star Child in another myth - today replaced by the symbology of the fetus at the end of the film 2001: A Space Odyssey

Related files for your review to bring it all together:

  Star of Bethlehem
Holy Grail
Marion Apparitions
Mary Magdalene
Miracles: Bleeding, Weeping, Crying Icons
Mother Mary
Prieure de Sion
Rennes Le Chateau - Merovingian Kings
Religious Art in History - Jesus, Mother Mary and UFO's
Rome Religion

Sunday was the anniversary of the birth of Arthur C. Clarke (December 16, 1917 - March 19, 2008)
who is most famous for the novel "2001: A Space Odyssey".

UFOs tell us absolutely nothing about intelligence elsewhere in the universe,

but they do prove how rare it is on Earth.

Arthur C. Clarke Quotes 1

Arthur C. Clarke Quotes 2

Arthur C. Clarke Quotes 3

This week will also be remembered, if not in physical reality, but in consciousness, for its connection to the Mayan Calendar date of 12/21/12, which millions of people across the world believe takes us from physical reality to light and conscious awareness. There is definitely something in the energies now that speak to each of us about closure - an exact date hard to define as time is an illusion, making our reality nothing more than a virtual consciousness experience. As you know, it was not the Mayans who created the calendar, along with advanced math and science, but something greater - the hologram itself. Closure felt one step closer as I woke up this morning.

We have a nice tree in the lobby of my building this year where some residents

still honor the memories of those who died on 9/11, and now the 20 children.