Monday, January 18, 2016

Martin Luther King Day

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Events promoting public service are planned all around the city today to honor the memory of late civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. In August 1963 King spoke the words, "I have a dream," often quoted even today by those who dare to dream the dream and change whatever they feel will make a difference.

The city is also facing the heart of the winter with below freezing temperatures and our first snow of the season, though it's not deep. It does make for a difficult commute because there is black ice which is more dangerous than snow. Sunday, my friend John in Tampa and I spoke about the damage done to his home by tornadoes that ripped through neighboring areas Saturday night. When I left him off with him, he was still cleaning debris in his yard, but feeling lucky his house was still standing.

Will what we heard in the presidential Democratic debate last night change things? I'm not saying there was a clear winner but if you were an alien plopped down on Earth now, you would have seen Bernie Sanders as the winner. He was powerful. Will this be a repeat of 2008 when Obama beat out Hillary? Throughout the campaign, there is one simple message. No one wants establishment politics as we know it today. Bernie Sanders makes sense and really knows the facts with Hillary appearing to have the advantage on foreign policy. Wouldn't it be interesting if it turned out to be Bernie vs. Donald - both trashing Wall Street? It could happen. And about those aliens - many believe that there is an alien influence that runs the world today. All we want is a change in direction and truth. How would Martin Luther King Jr vote today?

On the matter of cell/mobile phones - male clients and friends still prefer small phones for the most part - but every female client and friend prefers a phone with a large screen as it is so much easier to use. Whereas men tend to put their phones in their pockets, women carry them in their bags. I have not read any clients in the past few years - no matter where they live in the world - who does not have a cell/mobile phone. We use them to record the readings - one client telling me she stores the information from the reading in her cloud so no one can hear it. Great idea.

The first snow of the season in Brooklyn

The obelisk in the park watches undaunted after hundreds of years

The branch of a tree framing its facade in this picture.