Wednesday, January 27, 2016

On the road to
the White House

The White House is really white as snow clean-up continues in D.C.

Are you getting tired of political drama or are they keeping the winter interesting for you? There's five days left to the Iowa caucuses then on to New Hampshire. The next primetime Republican debate is Thursday 9 PM ET on Fox News Channel. Donald Trump announced he will skip the debate - rightly so as Megyn Kelly did not treat him fairly. Look at the PR it got her.

An Airglow Fan from Lake to Sky   APOD - January 27, 2016

Blizzard of 2016 - Ellie Reporting from Brooklyn

It's so warm out I threw snowballs at my neighbor with my bare hands after he hit with one.

Brooklyn girls are bad-ass at any age.

I am such a winter person!

The white stuff - now turning black from pollution - remains a big mushy mess as the cleanup continues.