Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Not much new going on that is not political these days and I just won't/can't follow any of it. I've been spending time with friends as the celebrations for my 75th began and still don't feel the least bit older. There is nothing like celebrating a milestone birthday (February 17th). Today's client is a woman from Oakland, CA. who turned 72 on Feb. 7th. Maybe we should audition for a TV commercial as so many are focused on seniors these days. Next stop ... Valentine's Day when I celebrate my birthday with another friend, followed by cousins from LA on Thursday. Saturday is another family celebration as the celebrations continue. Really look forward to more warmer weather and seeing everyone. For what it's worth, no one I know took the flu shot this year and so far no one got sick. You either are guided to take it or not. Friday begins winter break here in the city when children are on vacation and many families go south for a week in Florida.