Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Int'l Day of Peace

September 21, 2016

International Day of Peace

UN International Day of Peace

Finding peace and balance in a bipolar (physical) reality will never happen.

Civil unrest is everywhere as the fight for freedom continues.

Finding Peace Within

There are many ways we seek peace and balance for body, mind and soul. Whatever works for you in the moment. I received an email from Michelle who I read Sunday. Thanks Michelle. Life is easier when you "Get it".

Dear Ellie,

Thank you so much for your time, wisdom, and guidance. You were there on one of my toughest days and supported me with such grace. I had that anxiety today, I went into it and worked through it back to love. I know there will be more to come and will keep healing every time.

Observing the hologram, learning to recognize it now more than ever, and how to balance the unconventional with the practical brings understanding.
