Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year

Once upon a time there was an algorithm that decided to create an experience ...

In linear time, it was referred to as Day 1 or the day reality began.

January 1, 2017

Today is Z Day

New Day ... New Week ... New Month ... New Year

We start every year on "Z Day". Z as you know is the end of the alphabet in many languages perhaps connecting with a feeling of closure personally and universally within your soul right now. Z is the incomplete hourglass waiting to finish with the stroke of one simple line. Jupiter (good luck, growth and expansion) transits Libra most of this year ... September 9, 2016 to October 10, 2017. I was taught that also applies to the 2 other Air Signs - Gemini and Aquarius. It feels like Aquarius, the unexpected, continues to rule just as it did in past years. 2017 may also seem like Mercury Retrograde never ends. Just be careful. If you've made a few New Year's resolutions, a bucket list, or promises to yourself, be sure they are something practical. Keep the list short and simple.