
Vatican declares Popes John Paul II and John XXIII saints
BBC - April 27, 2014
Sainthood for Popes John Paul II and John XXIII, throngs pack Vatican
CNN - April 27, 2014
Pope John Paul II Wikipedia
Pope John XXIII Wikipedia
Imagine the power of the Roman Catholic Church and the Papacy in the timeline of Nostradamus (16th century Europe) - who frequently mentions them in his Quatrains. They were part of his programming, though he was able to peer into the grids and see events in other timelines that would intrigue people for centuries to come. I've never given too much credence to the quatrains as they are vague and cryptic - open to personal interpretations - yet somehow I am connected to Nostradamus through Z.
Today, a Crystalinks' reader named Joseph sent me to this file - Quatrains of Nostradamus - Interpretations where I had posted various interpretations of the quatrains - years ago. I don't remember the source of the quotes below, but they certainly are timely. They may have come from this website Prophecy in the Making or they quoted my text, author unknown. When something happens in the world, especially linked to war, many people return to the Quatrains for answers. I couldn't find reference to this in the quatrains, therefore I decided to remove the text, but post it here for your review. Obviously I saw a grain of truth in some of these predictions, which is why I originally posted them. Somebody out there really honed into events of this timeline.
Century V. 70
The Eastern kings shall carry out the Divine Justice.
Turkey shall be devastated.
Les regions suvjettes a la Balance
Feront trembler les monts par grande guerre
Captif tout sexe deu et toute Bizance
Qu'on criera a l'aube terre a terre.
Suvjettes: subjected; Balance: (fig.) Divine Justice, the army of
Divine Justice or Muslims; Bizance: Turkey; on: one;
aube: dawn.
The regions subjected to Muslim armies
Shall cause mountains trembling with great war
Prisoners of both sexes and throughout Turkey
One shall cry at dawn from land to land
COMMENT: The Eastern kings shall carry out the Divine Chastisements to punish the Great Harlot or Western countries at an appointed time (The Book of Revelation). The brutality of Muslims on both men and women.
Century V.25 The full-scaled invasion from the sea.
Le prince Arabe, Mars, Sol, Venus, Lyon
Regne d'Eglise par mer succombera
Devers la Perse bien pres d'un million
Bisance, Egypte, ver. serp. invadera
NOTE: Succombera (succomber): to succumb, to be defeated; devers: toward; Perse: Persia or ancient Iran; bien pres de: very close to; ver. serp.: versus serpens (latin) means the returning serpent, the Devil One.
Muslims, wars, the Day of the Lord, the Harlot, the Lioness Beast
The reign of the Church from the sea shall be succumbed
Toward Iran one shall see nearly one million troops
Turkey, Egypt, evils shall invade
COMMENT: The invasion shall occur on Mediterranean shores.
Century II.4 Muslims shall brutalize the Italian coast.
Depuis Monach jusqu'au pres de Sicile
Toute la plague demourra desolee
Il n'y aura faux-bourgs, cite, ne ville
Que par Barbares, pille soit et volee
NOTE: Depuis: from; Monach: Monaco; jusqu'au pres: as far as; plague: beach, shore; demourra: demolished; desolee: desolated; il: there; il n'y aura: there shall not be..; faux-bourg: false market town or suburb; ville: village; barbare: barbarian or Muslims; pille (piller): to loot, to ransake; vole (voler): undone.
From Monaco as far as Sicily
All the coast demolished and desolate
There shall not be any more suburb, city, nor village
That the Muslim invaders shall leave undone
COMMENT: The Muslims shall attack and destroy the Italian coasts and Rome in the most brutal fashion.
Century V.26 Russian troop shall advance over high mountains.
La gent esclave par un heur martiel
Viendra en haut degre tant esleve
Changeront prince, naistra un provincial
Passer la mer, copie aux monts leve
The Russians through an military good fortune
Shall be elevated to a high degree
Shall change their prince, one born in a province
Shall pass sea, troop shall climb over high mountains
COMMENT: Russia's leadership shall belong to an outsider who shall appeal to the common population. Russian troops shall attack Western Europe or more specifically Italy via two routes: from the south near the Black Sea and from the north by crossing the Alps.
Century IV.82 Through Russian hands, the old Destroyer shall destroy Romanie.
Amas s'approche venant d'Esclavonie
L'Olestant vieux cite ruinera
Fort desolee vera sa Romainie
Puis la grand flamme estaindre ne scaura
NOTE: Amas: mass, accumulation; venant: coming; Esclavonie: Russia; Olestant: (Greek) destroyer, Abbadon mentioned in the Book of Revelation; vieux: old; ruiner: to ruin; cite: city, Vatican City; fort: hard, violently; desolee: desolate; puis: then, afterwards; estaindre (eteindre): to quench; saura (savoir): to know how, to manage.
The mass shall approach coming from Russia
The ancient Destroyer shall ruin the city
Violently desolated Romanie shall see
Afterwards the great flame of war shall not be quenched
COMMENT: Russia shall start the WW III in Europe by invading its Western neighboring countries who shall recently join NATO. The war shall spread and cannot be contained.
Century X.32 Russian navy shall dominate only for two short years.
Le grand Empire chacun en devoit etre
Un sur les autres le viendra obtenir
Mais peu de temps sera son regne et etre
Deux ans aux naves se pourra soustenir.
NOTE: Chacun: each, each one; devoit (devoir): to owe, have to, to be bound to; autre: other; obtenir: to gain, to secure; mais: but; peu: little, little time; etre: existence; naves: (latin = navis) vessel, boat; pourra (pourrir): to get rotten, decay; soustenir: to maintain, sustain.
In the great Empire with everyone's existence hung in desperation
One over the others shall secure it
But little time shall last for his reign and existence
Two years the navy shall be rotten due to poor maintenance
COMMENT: Russia shall be in the state of desperation nationwide. Each person shall have to survive on his own without relying on his government (Verse 2). Russia's power and her very existence shall be threatened due to the European offences and later by the bloody hands of the neighboring China. Their navy shall dominate the war for the first two years then shall collapse due to the lack of spare parts and resources.
Century VI. Both northern and southern Europe shall be attacked.
Norvege et Dace et l'isle Britannique
Par les unis freres seront vexees
Le chef Romain issu du sang Gallique
Et les copis aux forest repoulsees
NOTE: Norvege: Norway; Dace: Denmark; freres: brothers; Gallique: French; copie: troops; repoulsee: repulsed.
Norway and Denmark and British island
Through the united brothers shall be vexed
The Roman ( Italian) chief issued from French blood
And his troops shall be repulsed into the forests
COMMENT: The northern front of Europe including Norway, Denmark and Britain shall be attacked by Russia naval forces. In the south, Italy and Muslims shall push north starting on French soil.
Century I.73 French fleet shall be surrounded...
France a cinq parts par neglect assaillie
Tunis, Argiel esmeuz par Persiens
Leon, Seville, Barcelone faillie
N'aura la classe par les venitiens
NOTE: Cinq: five, assaillie (assaillir): to attack; Tunis: Tunisia; Argiel: Algeria; esmeuz (emouvoir): to move, stir up; faillir: to fail, to fall short of; classe: fleet, Venitien (Venise): Italian.
By negligence French fleet shall be attacked by five parties
Tunisia and Algeria stirred up by Iran
Leon, Seville, Barcelonia shall fall (into Muslim hands)
Italian fleet shall not fare any better
COMMENT: At the onset of WW III or European war, Spain and Italy shall quickly fall into Muslim hands and later become Eastern allies ( We have to remember that the Muslim populations in those two countries are quite large, probably majority by now in Spain.) Tunisia and Algeria shall side with Iran. French fleet shall be sunk in Adriatic Sea leaving Marseilles naked.
Century II.86 French fleet shall wrecked in Adriatic Sea.
Naufrage a classe pres d'onde Hadriatique
La terre emeu sur l'air en terre mis
Egypte tremble augment Mahometique
L'Heraut se rendre a crier est comis
NOTE: Naufrage: shipwreck; classe: fleet; pres:near; onde: sea; Hadriatique: Adriatic; emeu (emu): moved; augment: faction; Heraut: public officer; rendre: to render; crier: to cry; commis (commettre): to commit a wrong, endanger oneself .
Shipwreck of a fleet near Adriatic Sea
The earth quakes, moved with the air above
Egypt trembles due to Muslim extremist faction
A public officer renders a loud cry before committing suicide
COMMENT: French fleet shall be wrecked in Adriatic Sea by a surprised attack by Muslims. The Muslim extremists loyal to Iran shall dominate all Muslim governments around the region.
Century III.88 Barcelonia and Marseilles shall fall.
De Barcelone par mer si grande armee
Tout Marseilles de frayeur tremblera
Isles saisies de mer aide fermee
Ton traditeur en terre nagera
NOTE: Frayeur: fear; saisie (saisir): to seize; aide: aid, reinforcement; fermee (fermer): to lock up, shut up; traditeur: traditor; nager: to swim.
A great army from Barcelonia by sea shall attack
All Marseilles shall tremble with fear
Islands shall be seized, reinforcement from the sea halted
Traditors shall swim in land
COMMENT: After defeating French navy in Adriatic Sea, the Muslims shall advance to Marseilles through Spain. Marseilles shall be vulnerable due to no protection from French navy.
Century I.72 Southern France devastated, million suffered.
Du tout Marseilles des habitans changee
Course et pour fuitte jusques pres de Lyon
Narbon, Tholoze, par Bordeaux outragee
Tuez, captifs, presque d'un million
NOTE: Habitan: inhabitant; course: run ,race, journey; fuite: flight, fleeing; pres: near; jusque: till as far as; Narbonne: city of S. France near Mediterranean; Toulouse: city, SW France on Garonne River; Bordeaux: city and port SW France on Garonne river, tuez (tuer): killed, slaughtered; presque: almost.
Throughout Marseilles the inhabitants shall change
French citizens shall flee as far as Lyon
Narbonne and Toulouse shall become outraged by Bordeaux
Killed, captured, almost one million French
COMMENT: The present population in Marseilles is about 900,000, Narbonne 40,000, and Toulouse 400,000. Thus the approximation of one million is amazingly accurate. That also indicates a total defeat under Muslim hands. The military French leader in Bordeaux shall decide to abandon those captured cities into their enemies's hands to consolidate the remaining French troops in order to save the rest of the country.
Century IX.69 Chemical warheads upon Lyon & Vienna by Italian force.
Sur le mont de Bailly et la Bresse
Seront cachez de Grenoble les fiers
Outre Lyon, Vien, eulx si grand gresle
Langoult en terre n'en restera un tiers
NOTE: Cachez (cacher): to hide, conceal; fier: fierce, cruel; outre: beyond; eulx (eux): them; gresle (grele): hail, hailstorm; langoult (langoureux): languishing; rester: to remain, last; un tiers: one third.
Upon Mount Bailley and Bresse
Shall be hidden in Genoa fierce weapons
Beyond Lyon and Vienna, great hail upon them
Languished on the ground, less than one third shall survive
COMMENT: From northern Italy, on high mountains, the Muslim and Italian forces shall bombard Lyon and Vienna with missiles carrying the chemical warheads which shall wipe out more than two-thirds of the population. The survivors will wish to die instead.
Century III.70 Great Britain shall suffer floods and war.
La Grande Bretagne comprise l'Angleterre
Viendra par eaux si fort inondre
La ligue neufue d'Ausonne fera guerre
Que contre eux il se viendront bander
NOTE: Grande Bretagne: Great Britain; Angleterre: England; eaux: water; inonde: flooded; ligue: league; neufue: new; Ausonne: Italy; guerre: war; il: he; se: himself; bander: to bandage, to dress wound.
Great Britain including England
By sea shall suffer great floods
The new league including Italy shall raise war against her
Italy herself shall dress all her wounds
COMMENT: The new league of Ausonne include Muslims (Iran-led), Italy, Russia, and Spain.
Century II.68 USA rescues England by sea.
De l'aquilon les efforts seront grande
Sur l'ocean sera la porte ouverte
Le regne en l'isle sera reintegrande
Tremblera Londres par voile descouverte
NOTE: Aquilon: (latin) northern country or eagle, here USA;ouvert: open, liberated; regne: reign; l'isle: island, England; reintegrande (reintegrer): to reinstate; Londres: London; voile: sail; descouverte: discovered.
USA shall exert a great effort
Across the Atlantic Ocean to open English shore
The sovereignty of England shall be reinstated
As London is trembling in discovering enemy sails
COMMENT: USA shall rescue England from the siege of Muslim and Italian league.
Century III.99 Muslims shall be defeated on French soil.
Aux champs herbeux d'Alein et du Varneigne
Du Mont Lebron proche de la Durance
Camp des deux parts conflit sera si aigre
Mesopotamie defaillira en la France
NOTE: Champs: open field, arena; herbeux: grass-grown; aigre: bitter, fierce; defaillira: to faint, collapse, fail; Allein, Varneigne: French towns near River Rhone; Lebron: region around Alps Mountains. Mesopotamie: ancient region which is now Iran and Iraq.
In the grassy fields of Alein and Varneigne
Upon Mount Lebron near Durance
Conflict between two sides shall be very fierce
Mesopotamie shall fall on French soil
Century V.68 Muslims shall advance as far north as Germany, then shall be defeated by French troops.
Dans le Danube et du Rhin viendra boire
Le grand Chameau, ne s'en repentira
Trembler du Rhone et plus fort ceux de Loire
Et pres des Alpes Coq les ruinera
NOTE: Boire: to drink; Chameau: camel, here means Muslims; repentir: to repent; fort: strong, violent; coq: cock, used by Nostradamus to indicate France; les: them; Rhone & Loire: two rivers in southern France; Danube & Rhine: two rivers in Germany.
By River Danube and Rhine shall come to drink
The great Camel which shall not repent
Trembling is River Rhone and most violent for those near River Loire
And near Alps the Cock shall ruin them
COMMENT: Muslims shall advance as far north as Germany, shall terrorize the area between two Rivers Rhone and
Century V.42 World War III at its climax.
Mars esleve en son plus haut beffroy
Fera retraire les Allobrox de France
La gent Lombarde fera si grand effroy
A ceux de l'aigle compris sous la Balance
NOTE: Esleve: elevated; plus haut: the highest; beffroi: watch tower, bell tower; retraire (retrait): retreat, withdrawal; Allobrox: Italians (inhabitants of Savoy); effroi: terror, horror; aigle: eagle, hawk; Balance: balance, here means Divine Justice or Chastisement.
War shall be elevated to its highest
Italians shall retreat from France
Inhabitants in Lombardy shall be terrified
Of those hawkish (brutal) troops who carry out the Divine Justice
Century III. 31 Final battle in Middle East.
Aux champs de Mede, d'Arabe et d'Armenie
Deux grands copies trois fois s'assembleront
Pres du rivage d'Araxes la mesnie
Du grand Soliman en terre tomberont
NOTE: Champs: field; copie: army; trois: three; fois: time; rivage: shore; mesnie (messie): the chosen people, the anointed ones, Messie: Messiah; Soliman: Soloman; la messie du grand Soliman: Israelites; tomber: to tumble, fall.
In the fields of Media, Arabe, and Armenia
Two great armies shall assemble three times
Near the Arabic shore or Persian Gulf
The Israelites on land shall tumble
COMMENT: Western armies shall pursue the Muslim armies all the way to Iranian soil or Middle East. The Jews shall be drawn into the conflict and shall suffer greatly.
Century V.14 At the end of the European War...
Saturn et Mars en Leo Espagne captive
Par chef Libique au conflit attrape
Proche de Malte, heredde Prince vive
Et Romain scepter sera par coq frappe
NOTE: Saturn: (fig.) the Lord, the Day of the Lord; Mars: (fig.) war; Leo: (fig.) the pope; Espagne: Spain; Libique: Lybian; attrape (attraper): to trap, to catch; proche: near; vive (vivre): to live; vive: long live!; heredde (hereditaire): heralded; frappe (frapper): to strike, tap; coq: cock or France.
Saturn and Mars in Leo, Spain captive
Lybian chief in the battle shall be caught
Near Malta, the heralded Prince (Henry) shall be cheered
And Roman Scepter shall be struck by a Frenchman
COMMENT: The pope shall be killed near the end of the War. Spain shall surrender. Lybian leader shall be captured. King Henry of France shall be heralded in Malta. The newly elected French Pope shall anoint him as the Roman Emperor of the world, the Charlemagne of our modern time.
Century IX.62 The battle of Armagaddon.
Au grand de Cheramonagora
Seront croisez par rangs tous attachez
Le Pertinax Oppi et Mandragora
Raugon d'Octobre le tiers seront laschez
NOTE: Cheramonagora: anagram of Armageddon or Harmageddon (Greek), the final battle mentioned in Rev 16:14-16; croisez (croiser): to cross, to join a crusade; rang: row, range, rank; attachez (attacher): to attach, fasten; Pertinax: (latin) unyielding, pertinacious, determined; oppi: (latin = copie) army; Mandragora: man-dragon, the troop of the ancient serpent or dragon, probably Chinese; raugon: dragon; Octobre le tiers: the third of October; laschez (lacher): loosen.
At the great battle of Armageddon
Shall join the crusade through rows totally attached
The pertanious army of God against the army of the evil Serpent
The Dragon shall be loosened on October third
COMMENT: Man-dragon might indicate Chinese troops. The battle begins on October third and from Quatrain III.77, Iranian leader shall be captured on October 7th 2025 indicating that this great decisive battle might be between Western allies and Muslim alliance. Also Armageddon might be the battle between Western and Chinese troops as the latter shall decide to engage in war at the end of the conflict while all parties are almost exhausted. And the national symbol of China has always been the Red Dragon.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014, we find a "Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse". The Pacific Ring of Fire certainly has been active with accelerating earthquake activity over the past two months. Many will question whether something "Earth shattering" will happen during that window. I just see more of the same not "The Big One" most scientists and intuitives are waiting for.

New Moon Solar Eclipse 8° Taurus
Rare Solar Eclipse Coming April 29
First Solar Eclipse Of 2014 Will Transform Sun Into 'Ring Of Fire'
Huffington Post - April 27, 2014