Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy New Year 2015

Many of you never imagined we'd be here this long yet here we are turning another "page" in the hologram of our reality. For much of the world, 2014 was a struggle. It was the year of protests, as these energies continue into 2015. When reflecting on 2014, think about the fun times you had, not the challenges as on we go ...

Ellie and Dean - Crystals and Meditation

I spent New Years Day 2015 with my good friend of 20 years, Jewelry Designer Dean Harris at his apartment in the city.

These are hand-made specially designed opal earrings from Dean's collection.

The energies of rare and exotic crystals and art make for great ambiance.

We had fun making these videos. I also learned a lot along the way.

Goodbye Dean. Thanks for a great day! (Hug)