Thursday, January 8, 2015

Today, France is in Mourning

Charlie Hebdo Shooting

  Mapping the attacks   CNN - January 8, 2015

  Suspects Cherif Kouachi, 32, and Said Kouachi, 34, are French citizens   CNN - January 8, 2015

Third Suspect, Hamyd Mourad, 18, Surrenders   Huffington Post - January 8, 2015

  The hunt for the killers and other related stories   CNN - January 8, 2015

  Suspects 'rob service station'   BBC - January 8, 2015

Craziness in the heart of Paris. A journalist's right to publish vs. any depiction of the prophet Muhammed, good or bad. As previously blogged ... madness will prevail until the program closes. I don't see a threat to the US at this time but what about the attack on Sony - Kim Jong-un vs the satire "The Interview". Many humans stop at nothing to create anarchy and bring meaning to their senseless lives.

People's Choice Awards

This morning, I watched my recording of the first of many 2015 award shows. My favorite part was 93 year old Betty White's speech after being named Favorite TV Icon. And then there was actor Chris Evans giving Betty his arm as he escorted her up the stairs to receive her award. So cool.

I often look at people my age most of whom are old and broken, unable to function alone, spending much of their time dealing their physical and emotional problems - hey, wait - it's not only us seniors in that category - it's most of humanity . It makes me grateful for having programming that allows me to be healthy and happy - no meds - no issues. Oprah would say it's about having goals, a passion in life, and more.

It's my programming and watching everything I was told at age 11 unfold. It is in part about Z watching over me to that end, the understanding of how the hologram works, and the substitution of various Ellie Crystals in the hologram through the years. (That last sentence may or may not make sense to you but it's a fact.) So on we go with the 2015 award season on many levels - the producers, writers, performers, and everyone who makes our experience in the hologram meaningful - culminating this year on February 22 with the 87th Academy Awards - a few days after my 72nd birthday.