Monday, July 31, 2017

Monday Morning

8:00 AM ... On this picturesque Monday morning in the city, I stood on my terrace overlooking the Verrazano Bridge and park, while listening to the sounds of nature. Below the traffic was quiet as three joggers ran by headed toward the esplanade. (It's correct name is Shore Parkway Greenway Trail.)

For 5 minutes the chaos of the world played like another reality that I would soon address for Crystalinks. I don't meditate or jog, but this is a great way to start the day and bring inner peace. Nature does it every time. ... Back inside ... "Good morning Mac ... Are you ready to get to work?" Here I sit, not ready to address the Trump noise - no not an elephant (trumpet) - but our president. I think I'll do the wash ...

My daughter Zsia and her friends just sent this selfie from Aruba where the families are on vacation. Have fun girls!

National Cheesecake Day July 30, 2017

Celebrating Matthew's 14th Brooklyn in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn where we have real Italian cheesecake and cheesecake cones.

Mom's little boy is growing up. He's as tall as grandma (5'6") now.
It's tradition for Nikki and Matthew to take a pic each year on his
birthday. I wish everyone's life was this filled with love.

My grandson Matthew turned 14 Saturday so off we went to the Apple store
where I got him the MacBook Pro for High School. Congratulations Matthew.
FYI - Matthew is a 4.0 student + sports and community service.

DNA Human Biogenetic Experiment Text and Video Blog

Ellie Talks Politics - The Mooch Text and Video Blog