Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Ellie on "The Daily Show"
October 17, 2012

Monday October 15, 2012

I was contacted by a producer of The Daily Show starring Jon Stewart about being part of a segment linked to the second presidential debate to be broadcast at the Comedy Central Studios here in the city. My topic - auras - the electromagnetic energy fields surrounding a physical body.

Tuesday October 16, 2012

The Second U.S. presidential debate of 2012 took place at Hofstra University. This was an important turning point in the election with Obama the winner by a narrow margin as we return to Square 1 - lots of talk from both candidates but no definitive answers. The next few weeks will involve lots of heavy campaigning as the election is so close. Last week, the unemployment rate dropped slightly below 8% but most people know it meant nothing and that number will increase. We have all grown so much in the past 4 years, with greater understanding of the human drama, conspiracies and cover-ups, and how dysfunctional reality is, in the final hours as souls to seek out the truth behind the illusion. Tick tock ...

The trip to the studio

The trip was faster than expected, the limo driver, a man from Greece (60's), commenting that the traffic in the city was extremely light all day. Along the way, we discussed politics and economics. Again, I found another soul, who tries to maintain hope about the future but doesn't see how we can get there - further agreeing that neither presidential candidate was going to fix anything. We didn't get into a discussion about the ongoing financial crisis in Greece. Most Europeans I talk say believe the EU has crashed.

Arriving at the studio just before 8:00pm

I was greeted by the production staff as well as some really interesting guests, each alleged experts in their field. There were 13 guests in all, divided into two panels. I was in Panel 2.

The Panels

Panel 1 consisted of 8 people who were taken to a room and told they were to watch the debate on DVR, then would be asked questions as it progressed. They sat 4 across in 2 rows - those in the front row on chairs and those behind them on stools making everyone visible.

From left to right - starting with the top row we find Jonel (40's) who runs beauty pageants and was told to talk about Obama's hair. Next ... a man (60's) who owns a tie store in the city there to comment on the candidates ties - we all loved him. Next was woman from Brazil who sat quietly and had a brilliant aura. We were told she didn't speak English, but I quickly saw through that and I was correct. Next, was the other alleged psychic who looked familiar. None of us thought he was psychic ... and guess who it turned out to be? Daniel Pinchbeck who, you may remember, came here for a reading a few years ago. But here's the kicker for me ... Daniel wrote the book - and helped produce the documentary "2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl." I didn't mention knowing Daniel to anyone and never met him as he must have arrived late.

Let's go to the bottom row of Panel 1. Would you believe ... a female Jewish matchmaker (60's) who I immediately knew had experience in media and was very nice, though adding little to the rhetoric. Next came a woman I bonded with just after I arrived - Dr. Lillian Glass who had flown in from LA to do the show. By far, she was the best on that panel as body language says so much about a person. Seated next to her was a female college student (early 20's) who not only didn't contribute, but texted the whole time - which lead me to believe it was staged and it was, as I later found out that she had lots to say. Last, but not least, was the only minority person on either panel - I would say from India (30's) - who was healing from knee surgery and looked bored beyond words. He said little, his comments reflecting Obama and Romney's movements around the room. This man was totally focused on mobility, his injury not staged.

Now let's move to Panel 2. Five of us assembled in another area of the studio, unseen by Panel 1. We were told that we had a different agenda than Panel 1 - to observe them - then comment on their reactions based on our areas of expertise. I sat in the front row where I read the auras of the people in Panel 1 and more. Next to me was a man (30's) another expert on body language. In the top row were a male medical doctor (60's) from Manhattan, a female expert (50's) on animal behavior from Connecticut, and Patricia an etiquette expert (40's). This was a great group of people to work with and learn from.

John Oliver was the correspondent who interviewed both panels - love the British accent. John spent about an hour with Panel 1, as Panel 2 watched and had fun making comments none of which were filmed. John then spent about 30 minutes with Panel 2 basically posing questions to each of us and having fun along the way. He repeated this - going from Panel 1 to Panel 2 one final time ... after which it was time to wrap it up .... fade to black ... as the clock actually read 11:11. Did anyone notice the time but Ellie? I'm not sure, but that was the way it ended.

The drive home

On the way home, I realized something. It was almost 11:30 and I still wasn't the least bit tired. Was it an adrenal rush or the can of A & W cream soda I had before going to the studio to keep me awake? I never drink anything with caffeine and don't eat chocolate - so when I have just a small amount - I stay awake. The doctor on my Panel took the blood pressure, of all the people in our group and was amazed at how low my pressure was, not to mention I'm not on any meds, sleep 9 consecutive hours every night ... and most of all, he and I agreed - I avoid stress as that is what kills. We also agreed that most people have to live with stress of one kind or another, so I am lucky. He did suggest Vitamin D for my age group though it seems unnecessary as I don't plan to be here much longer. (No, I didn't tell him about reality ... though he was psychic and probably already knows.)

The future

Let's talk about the future. I told everyone I thought Obama would win the debate - knowing it has to do with this being a Mercury Retrograde election so the surprise element has to play out. I didn't share my theories with anyone - simply enjoying their company. With 13 people interviewed last night - to be edited down to a 5 minute segment tonight - we will probably get a few seconds each. Most of the 13 panelists knew who they were voting for before the debate, but once again, no one saw how the economy will improve. It's not who we're voting for, but who we don't want to see in office ... if the hologram is still running. As to photos, no one took any last night.

On to the next set of issues today ... in your life, in the world, and in the hologram. Reality remains about Issues with Tissues and how to heal and make a difference. Guess it will stay that way until the end ... of time.

FYI - If you go to The Daily Show tomorrow and click on videos, you will see the segment.