Sunday, October 7, 2012

It's all crashing so what's next?

Today, I had an interesting chat with my friend Michael Tellinger in South Africa. You may recall our past conversations about an ancient stone circle in South Africa called Adam's Calendar. Giant Foot Print 200 Million Yrs Old - South Africa - this all goes with ancient alien theory, which by now you understand. But is the past... ancient history if you will ....

Today, Michael and I talked about other matters - something far more serious - the collapsing global economy. Many people are already planning for "The Next" after all systems fail. Michael wrote ...

    Dear Ellie,

    It was fabulous to speak to you again after some time. So much has happened here in South Africa. Since October 2010, we started taking on the banks and their unlawful activity. Together with a handful of others, mainly Scott Cundill, we began a process of legal actions against the banks in SA. At first the media did not really pay much attention to us and they mostly portrayed us as a bunch of crazy people trying to wangle their way out of debt. This was all from a position of complete ignorance.

    Two years have passed and we have reached a point where we believe that we are very close to completely exposing the fraudulent activities of the banks and even possibly causing some of the banksters to get jail-time in SA for the unlawful extortion they committed against the people.

    In the beginning we could not find a lawyer who understood what we were talking about - as we represented ourselves in the Supreme Court against the highest paid lawyers and advocates money can buy. Filled with arrogance and feeling untouchable they mocked us openly and in the process lied, presented false evidence and pretended that we were fringing on insanity. For two years the courts and Judges bought their charades and all the judgments went against us. I lost a property in the process, that was auctioned off in front of me for 2 thirds of the price. We were even denied by the Constitutional Court, stating that there was "no prospect of success" for our case. This is simply ludicrous to imagine that the Constitutional Court decided that we had no chance of winning the case against the banks, without seeing any evidence at all. Last week we had more than 6 calls from some of the most senior lawyers in SA asking for our advice on the fraudulent activity of the banks. Once the lawyers understand the scam, I fear it is all over for the banksters. That day has arrived.

    The past 6 weeks everything has turned in our favor and it now seems that the little lies and deceptions of the banksters are going to catch up with them - finally. I served a summons with five cases of civil fraud against STD Bank 4 weeks ago. Last week I served a motion to rescind the judgement against me and return of my property with damages - based on the serious charges in the fraud action.

    Scott Cundill started the New Economic Rights Alliance (NewEra) which has grown into the third largest non profit organisation in SA in 6 months. NewEra is about to launch the largest class action lawsuit against the banks with about 180,000 people. This will most likely bring the closure of the banking system in SA. Many of our court documents can be downloaded on New

    But if that does not do it, the UBUNTU PARTY has investigated bringing criminal charges against all the banks, their CEOs and the directors. The evidence has now piled up so severely that this action is most likely imminent.

    On Monday, 8th October 2012, we are expecting our first huge victory in a court - which will open the door to huge mass action, criminal action and a domino effect that will have unprecedented and an unpredictable effect on the banking industry. This will include the SA Reserve Bank.

    The UBUNTU Party which took me 3 years to register, is acting as a political front for much of this change but it's main role is to provide the people with hope and an exciting alternative socio political system in a world without money. To most people this is unthinkable - but once people spend some time and explore how beautiful the world will be without money and how we will all thrive in abundance, people normally get very excited. I have seen this over the past 7 years now. The time is here to embrace a whole NEW WORLD in a NEW AGE - this will mean a complete change in the way we live today.

    Our actions against the banks are providing the perfect platform for UBUNTU Contributionism to take its rightful place at the centre of human community, allowing people to LIVE their lives rather than SLAVE their lives away. Please follow the activity of the UBUNTU Party on our website for a consciously exhilarating positive way ahead for humanity - a world without money that I call Contributionism. All ancient cultures knew it well and we are rediscovering it here at the foot of Africa - the cradle of humankind. "The end days will be as the first days."

    In Pure Truth,
    Contact Michael