Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Brain Circuitry

There are always new articles about the causes and treatments of headaches/migraines. Often answers are found through western medicine combined with holistic practices. But the headache spectrum - like the autistic spectrum and mental illnesses - are growing in ways science does not understand yet alone can diagnose and treat.

The brain is a computer whose reasons for breaking down are multiplex and part of the programming of the individual involved. In part it has to do with the consciousness grids breaking down as this aspect of the holographic experience ends.

I'm blogging about this because many young people are suddenly experiencing extreme headaches and related conditions that affect the totality of their physical experiences. More often this begins around age 19-20 when mental illness kicks in.

Some of those afflicted feel the source of what is destroying their lives originates from something external perhaps conspiratorial and/or governmental - cyber attacks for one. This is especially true of those who are not substance abusers and have no history of mental illness. They hear voices, can't sleep, and therefore are unable to function during the day - yet there is no known explanation or diagnosis accept meds which can make matters worse.

Monday I read a local woman who's daughter, 25, is beautiful in body, mind, and soul. She graduated college and works for American Express - happy with her job and has a great boyfriend. When she was 20 - she started experiencing bouts of nausea generally associated with migraines without the headaches. One day in 2014 she developed an extreme headache encompassing much of her face. This generally falls under the umbrella of migraine but it wasn't as was determined by medical testing.

To me, it was as if the circuitry in her brain was misfiring. Her journey over the past two years has been long, painful, and without resolution. From the doctor who told her parents it was TMJ realigning her jaw improperly - to a variety of medications some of which do not go with the others - to holistic venues - now making her behave in a way we call paranoid schizophrenia - to psychiatrists - this beautiful young woman with a heart of gold is feeling suicidal as is her mother. How do I help them?

If we take this to athletes or others with head injuries - we see early breakdown in brain functioning. Alzheimer's disease is manifesting in adults at much younger ages than in past generations. As to seniors - they say the brain shrinks with age. Many of my friends are in their 60's and 70's and like me see no difference in mental and emotional performance. We are lucky.

Part of the journey of the brain includes out of body experiences ... some of which take us to the realms of dreams ... or is this reality The Dream?

To understand lucid dreaming, or any out of body experience, is to understand the nature of reality as a consciousness hologram. Streaming consciousness creates events we believe are real to vicariously experience emotions and learn. With lucid dreaming, you are aware that your consciousness is experiencing elsewhere and interacting in a grid outside of your current stream of consciousness here. It's all science and math.

April 12, 2016

Lucid Dreaming Day


Lucid Dreaming Day is an event honoring Keith Hearne, the English psychiatrist who scientifically proved in 1975 that lucid dreaming is a real phenomenon. Lucid dreamers throughout the world enthusiastically celebrate this event. The term "lucid dream" is credited to Dutch psychiatrist and writer Frederik van Eeden who coined it in 1860. Those who practice lucid dreaming know when they are dreaming, take control of their dreams and dictate their own dream script complete with settings, dialogue, action, special effects and cast of characters. Lucid dreaming is not a recent concept and is part of numerous cultures. Online dream databases such as DreamsCloud reveal lucid dreamers from all over the world in multiple languages and nearly every age group. Fifty percent of people report having at least one lucid dream and 20 percent consider themselves frequent lucid dreamers. Millennials report more lucid dreams than Baby Boomers. Accustomed to spending time in alternate realities, gamers are particularly adept at lucid dreaming.

In a lucid dream your consciousness flies free unencumbered by space and time.