Thursday, December 26, 2013

I hope you are enjoying the holidays with family and friends. It feels more like Christmas in the city, now that winter has returned. It's funny how we are programmed to associated things in our lives by connecting the dots - or grid points - to verify experience. Most of the country has to deal with severe weather conditions which caused a delays for UPS and FedEx Christmas shipments. Never be a "last minute person". Always plan for the unexpected.

With the changing face of planet Earth, Christmas takes on a new look and meaning in many areas this year. People who live in local coastal areas are celebrating at home for the first time since Hurricane Sandy (much like a small tsunami) destroyed homes, churches, schools, and more, one year ago. December 26, marks the 9th anniversary of the Indian Ocean Tsunami caused by a 9.3 underwater earthquake.

I've been busy with family and friends. It's always nice to catch up with each other's lives, and what better time than the end of the year. I have two groups of friends. The first go back to childhood. I call them my mainstream friends - educated, no metaphysical background, no emotional problems nor substance abuse issues. Next, are the endless number of friends I've made in my 30-year journey into metaphysics, programmed for all sorts of dramas that set them on their metaphysical course. At the end of 2013 ... the first group have done their homework and are programmed to understand and accept the nature of reality as a hologram, often having questions about where it's all going. The second group - mostly wounded souls - have made the rounds of metaphysics but are still programmed to seek answers. Along the way, they discover they are too burned out to work and seek a way - any way - to create income within the overly saturated fields of healing. You know the patterns. It's never easy but you can sense where it's all going.

It's Always About The Children

About Santa ... most children no longer believe after a certain age, but some hold onto the notion a bit longer because they want presents and/or a sprinkle of magic much like belief in the tooth fairy. Of my grandchildren, only 8 year old Noah still believes.

Christmas Day at Madison Square Garden