Tuesday, December 23, 2014

December 23, 1823

  A Visit from St. Nicholas Google Videos

T'was The Night Before Christmas

The poem A Visit from St. Nicholas, also known as "The Night Before Christmas" from its first line, was first published anonymously in the Troy, New York Sentinel on December 23, 1823, and was reprinted frequently thereafter with no name attached. Authorship was later attributed to Clement Clarke Moore. The poem was included in an anthology of his works, but his connection with the verses has been questioned by some. Henry Livingston, a New Yorker with Dutch roots, is the chief candidate for authorship if Moore did not write it.

Mario Lanza - Opera

December 23, 2014 - December 19, 2017

Saturn in Sagittarius

Saturn in Scorpio: 6/14/15 to 9/17/15