Thursday, October 7, 2010

Looking to the Skies

Pacman and Hartley   NASA - October 7, 2010

Touring the solar system with a 6 year orbital period, small comet Hartley 2 (103/P Hartley) will make its closest approach to planet Earth on October 20 and its closest approach to the Sun on October 28. It may become a naked-eye comet, just visible in clear, dark skies. Meanwhile the comet has been a tempting telescopic target, seen here with an alluring green coma as it shares the frame with emission nebula NGC 281 and stars of the constellation Cassiopeia on October 2. The nebula's gaping profile defined by dust clouds against the red glow suggests its more playful moniker, the Pacman Nebula. An apparent short bright streak shows the comet's motion against the background stars during the hour of accumulated exposure time. Over the next few days Comet Hartley 2's motion will also carry it across a field of view featuring the famous double star cluster in Perseus. On November 4 a spacecraft from planet Earth will actually fly within about 700 kilometers of the comet's nucleus. Now dubbed EPOXI, that spacecraft was formerly known as Deep Impact.

Wheeling Spokes
Thunderbolts - October 7, 2010

Spokes have not been seen in Saturn's rings for years. What caused them to return? Radial shadows extending across Saturn's ring plane, called "spokes," were first detected by the twin Voyager spacecraft as they flew past the giant planet in November 1980 and then in August 1981. However, when Cassini-Huygens entered orbit around Saturn in July 2004, the spokes were gone. Five years later, the now renamed Cassini-Equinox high resolution imagers have seen the spokes again.

Spoked wheels (rings, harmonics) take us to everything from "Wheels Within Wheels" - Chariots of Fire from the Bible which were UFOs ---> to the alchemy wheel of karma time (gears and synchronicity) and which is 12 around 1 or metaphoric 2012.

Wheels and Spheres: Music of the Spheres -mis an ancient philosophical concept that regards proportions in the movements of celestial bodies - the sun, moon, and planets - as a form of musica - the medieval Latin name for music. This music is not audible, but simply a mathematical concept.There is a legend that Pythagoras could hear the 'music of the spheres' enabling him to discover that consonant musical intervals can be expressed in simple ratios of small integers. Pythagoras told the Egyptian priests that Thoth had spoken to him and given him the ability to hear the harmony of the spheres. The tones correlated with the great celestial movements of the day.

    "Wheels Within Wheels": Complex interacting processes, agents, or motives, as in It's difficult to find out just which government agency is responsible; there are wheels within wheels. This term, which now evokes the complex interaction of gears, may derive from a scene in the Bible (Ezekiel 1:16): Their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel. [c. 1600]

UFOs Over Tibet

  UFO Forces Closure of Chinese Airport   Live Science - October 6, 2010

They're baaaaaack! A Chinese airport reportedly had to divert passenger jets to prevent them from colliding with a UFO earlier this month. The airport in Baotou, Inner Mongolia kept three flights from Shangai and Beijing circling overhead and shut down for an hour on Sept. 11 until the mysterious bright lights had vanished. This marks the eighth reported UFO sighting in China since June, according to The Daily Telegraph. But officials admitted military tests accounting for at least several of the cases.
China has not been alone in experiencing mysterious, sometimes unexplained UFO phenomena. A press event took place late last month where former U.S. military airmen claimed that UFOs had somehow disabled nuclear missiles at U.S. and British silos. As with any good sighting, there's some video footage available where you can see ... not much of anything at all. Still, that doesn't mean nothing was there ­ air traffic controllers spotted the UFO on their radar screens, according to ANI.

UFO photographed above Buddhist shrine in Tibet

You can't read about UFO's and Tibet without reviewing ...

Dropa Stones of Tibet

The Chinese Roswell

Updated this week

We are really getting close to the truth. Do you feel it? I wish I could say that Sunday's date of 10/10/10 would be of importance, but I don't see it.

Over in China we also find the Great White Pyramid. I am told by Chinese clients who live there and research esoteric topics, they have seen other pyramids and discovered secrets in China and Tibet, not shown to the western world, though many visible by satellite.

There is so much to be exposed now in every country.

The truth will happened because it is time. Tick Tock!