20 June 2011
World Refugee Day Google Videos
UNHCR plans varied World Refugee Day Programme during 60th year
World Refugee Day, is dedicated to raising awareness of the situation of refugees throughout the world. From June 18 to 20 the United Nations Refugee Agency UNHCR - commemorates World Refugee Day in Washington, DC, in order to draw the public's attention to the millions of refugees worldwide who are forced to flee their homes.
Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you had to suddenly flee from your home? In 2011 we watch the plight of people in the Middle East, Arab Nations, Japan, Haiti, many war-torn countries, and those affected by natural disasters around the world, who have been forcibly displaced. This list now includes the US where we are faced with flooding, wildfires, and extreme weather conditions. The concept of the 'refugee' has now gone global. This makes you wonder why physical things have such major importance, as one way or another they get left behind soon.
Recently I was told about a TV show on A & E called Hoarders about mentally ill people who can't throw things away and therefore live in total disarray. Each 60-minute episode is a fascinating look inside the lives of two different people whose inability to part with their belongings is so out of control that they are on the verge of a personal crisis. This goes along with the people who say they are writing a book, then start and stop one or more books at a time, and have thousands pages that will never go anywhere. This is another mental illness behavior pattern in the grid and sadly most of the people don't understand the problem.
One of the clients, who told me about Hoarders, said she knew a woman who saved everything until they put her in a mental hospital. Her family came in, cleaned up everything, then the woman returned allegedly on medication. She stopped taking her meds and returned to her old patterns. She is now in a nursing home.
I've had clients who aren't that compulsive, but live in total clutter. I believe the state of your home represents the state of your mind and your emotional stability. I don't have any friends who live in clutter. All have neat, clean homes, nicely decorated based on budget, reflecting their inner emotions. Some people Feng Shui their homes to create balance. For me, balance is a natural state of being. I throw things away. How about you? If someone was sorting through your belongings after you died, would it be an easy job or endless?
The grids speak of one thing ... get rid of ... anything not needed or it will be taken from you one day anyway. If you had to flee from your home and could only take a few things, what would they be? Refugees ask themselves that question every day.
In the debut of Falling Skies - we find another group of refugees caught up in the aftermath of an alien invasion. Steven Spielberg loves children. In Taken the story unfolds from the point of view of a 9 year old part-alien girl named Allie Keys who is later on the run with her family. Falling Skies begins with a young boy named Matt, narrating the story after the alien invasion. His voice sounds a lot like Allie and he is probably her age. As with all refugees he says, "I wish everything was just back to the way it was."
Noah Wyle plays a professor who reminded me of his role in the The Librarian, especially when he stops to pick up a book along the way A Tale of Two Cities. a book about fighting for freedom - the French Revolution of 1789. Noah Wyle goes from a timid Librarian to a Hero. In Falling Skies he goes from a Professor to Warrior. Deep inside - we can all man-up and find that part of us if we need to.
There's lots of other things in the series that are borrowed from different alien adventures I've seen in the past.
From a humanitarian point of view, the series shows how humans can motivate each other in the worse of times to be the best they can be. Stay tuned for new episodes ...
Recently I asked a friend if she would go on a UFO if aliens arrived, sight unseen. She instantly said Yes. My reaction was very different. I would never go as the ship is part of the simulation and the end-game is to get out of the hologram. What would you do?
Metaphorically speaking ... humans are refugees on this planet forever wandering ... and wondering about their true home (origins) and how and when, if ever, they will return there. Once you remember the simulation, you will be close to that truth.