Saturday, February 9, 2013

Weather and Patterns

From Soundscapes to Ice-scapes

Friday night I fell asleep after watching Touch - major triggers for me once again. The episode was called "Event Horizon" where reality moves from 2D to 3D to be physically experienced in the hologram.

Having visited the Santa Monica Pier last December, the primary location for Friday night's two-hour episode, I remembered the messages set in place for me at that time and a knowing that they will continue.

The episode featured a brown wooden (physical reality) chess knight. I generally see a shiny black horse head (creation from the void). This took me to the horsehead nebula the dark cloud of dust and gas - a region in the Orion Nebula where star formation is currently taking place. ...

    I just remembered something. I dreamed about Orion last night and the word "Return". It was a restless dream where I kept trying to wake myself up both here and somewhere else.

    I also dreamed about Brenda, my friend in San Diego, who shared the journey in California last December and what happened to us in La Jolla. Brenda's birthday is 2/15 - mine 2/17. She was also mentioned on a blog earlier this week The Boy, the Sweat Lodge, and the Blue Object, photos Brenda was guided to send me. We meet in Nashville next Friday as suddenly the meaning of our reunion seems more significant than previous thought.

The 2013 version of "Touch" is not focusing so much on the behavior patterns of Jake Bohm, an 11-year old autistic boy who is obsessed with numbers and can see past, present and future events through their patterns - focus on . Many people found that disturbing. They have moved forward with the 36 and other patterns that I connect with. The number 318 seems to be the key though it holds no significance for me.

I have yet to watch "Ancient Aliens" episode "Prophets and Prophecies", but lots of time for that as the north east recoveries from its latest storm - one that set records across New England. Here in the city, depending where you go, people are waking up to anywhere from 6-11 inches. Here in Bay Ridge, once again there is minimal damage. lots of blustery winds, but I've seen worse snowstorms. Over in Chinatown, where New Years celebration were scheduled for this weekend, changes will be made which can be found on the news.

Valentine's Day themes will also be found around the city.

February 9, 1870

President Ulysses S. Grant signs a bill creating
what we now call the National Weather Service.

National Weather Service (NOAA)  Wikipedia