The Calm Before the Storm
Brooklyn 9:45 a.m.
There's only one story today ... Hurricane Irene. Outside things are quiet and eerily still once again. The birds who normally fly by here all day, are not around - just a few flying from rooftop to rooftop. I'm staying here for the storm though my children invited me to their homes. As to preparation, I always have extra ... everything. I'll be able to blog if the electricity is on as well as Time Warner Cable for modem and TV. My building is set back far enough away from the water, and higher than waterfront property, so I am not concerned about flooding, though I do see this as quite a ride. If you're in the path of the storm, hang in ... this is just the beginning ... stay cool and stay tuned. This all seems like a rehearsal for something - the city shutting down mass transit at noon. Are people remembering Katrina? Will blog again later today.
To See the World Through Rose Colored Glasses
In the Virgo New Moon, people plan for change. In the energies of 2012, we know they have to be practical and encompass the changes the program presents.
Making Plans:
Plan A :: The Program self-corrects and we all live here happily ever after or whatever
Plan B :: The Program closes - the Ending Comes Out of the Blue - We all go home
- See yourself seated on the beach like the couple above (my favorite photo of the week). The sand represents the sands of time - the water the flow of the collective unconscious or streaming consciousness, grids - the couple representing Yin/Yang - the soul reunion of Twin Flames.
Put on some music, if available. Close your eyes. What do you see?