Fat Tuesday
Mardi Gras
Mardi Gras Google News
Mardi Gras, French for Fat Tuesday of Shrove Tuesday, is the day
before Ash Wednesday. Some of the cities most famous for their
Mardi Gras celebrations: New Orleans, Rio de Janeiro, and Venice.
Ash Wednesday First Day of Lent
Last summer I did "healings" on several people in my building. Nothing too serious, just injuries involving the shoulder of a neighbor named Danny, and my Super Sal's lower back. I was successful in creating temporary relief, though as you know "energy healing" does not cure people, it's just a band-aid. Even if somebody says they're cured, they're not until that part of their programming ends.
Another neighbor, Donny, 77, heard about what I did and asked me about his back pain. I never touch anybody as I'm way too old to exchange my energy fields with another's. On careful inspection, and I am good with diagnosis, I told Donny he had a mass on his back that should be looked at by a doctor ASAP. He thanked me, trusted me as I had read for him years ago, raved about me to others, but I knew he wasn't going to do anything about the mass. Fate is fate/programming and can't be changed. In the late fall Donny was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer that was metastasizing. After months of various forms of therapy, Danny died Sunday evening at 6:30 PM.
What I remember most about him is - he was a kind gentle soul who loved to laugh. His mom died at age 100 in 2010, and he visited her until the end. He sometimes spoke to me in Yiddish and I understood using a few familiar expressions in response. He lived in a studio apartment for 10 years waiting for a larger apartment with a big terrace that faced the park. He finally got it in 2012 and was so happy to show me all the remodeling he had done. At the time he was babysitting a parrot in a giant cage which stood in his living room. I'm not sure what that was about but I think he got stuck with the bird and was looking for someone to take it off his hands.
Donny had hearing loss in one ear due to a bomb that blew up near him when he served in the Vietnamese war. Much of the time he shouted! Did he have PTSD? I'm not sure, but the military gave him a lifetime of disability. Donny smoked heavily all of his life starting when he joined the army. He was also involved with a few of "the boys" in my area and served time in jail when he was young man.
Donny and I may have been the only two Jewish people in the building - certainly the only Jewish seniors. He had been through two marriages, had two daughters, and experienced quite a few women in his colorful life. He had just starting dating a woman from the building when he got sick, but ended the relationship shortly after. Donny liked to go to the gym with the young men in the building and never aged in mind or attitude. He lived every day as if it was his last. He will be missed. "Come visit me Donnie when you have 'time'."
FYI - Everybody I talk to, almost everybody I read, tells me that they have experienced a lot of deaths around them in the past year but they're not sure why.
The Adventures of Ellie and a Sprit named Danny
The music box played again ....