Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Amazing Mind of a Child

Physics has taught that the brain, or mind, is a computer
programmed for experiences based on DNA codes.

What I enjoyed most about being a teacher and a mom, and still embrace with my grandchildren and other children, is the way their minds work, and how they process for experience, even in infancy. From the moment of birth, when the mind is turned on like a computer, it is forever searching and seeking knowledge to make senses of its time in physical reality. This is how we move through life on planet Earth ... and the many places beyond that far exceed our comprehension level here. As we know, children, since the beginning of the 21st century, have been born in with learning disabilities that fall into the Autistic and Asperger spectrums as if their minds are programmed to see beyond what human experience has been in the past.

For those who watch the TV series Touch, this is a reminder that tonight is the two-hour season finale on FOX. What I love most about the show are the voice-overs by autistic, emotionally-challenged 11-year-old Jake - whose shows us where an exceptional mind can take us and how everything in the universe is connected by numbers and patterns. Jake is allegedly one of 36 righteous people whose destiny is to justify the purpose of humankind in the eyes of God but brining balance to the universe. 36 is an important number and is also 9 or endings.

Another child, whose mind is far more advanced than the norm, is six-year-old champion speller, and all around genius, Lori Anne who participated in this year's 85th Scripps National Spelling Bee but lost on Wednesday. Reminding me of Allie in the Syfy TV mini-series Taken - this cute little blond is another reminder of the specialness of children. If you listened to her on the news, you would see how advanced she is. She further reminded me of my daughter Tracy's student Sam who I blogged about last January when he won an Arizona State-wide math championship. Tracy said he has a younger brother who is just as gifted, if not more so. The answers lie in one's genetic codes.