Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Changing Sleep Patterns

Going to bed and waking up later? Your body could be adjusting to the return to Eastern Standard Time on Nov. 6. This goes along with the decrease in sunlight and for many the onset of SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder.

"Stand By Your Man"

Yesterday, Melania Trump responded to her husband's accusations as one would expect - but as a woman you know what she is feeling and saying behind closed doors. Her interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper was her opportunity to "stand by her man" - kind of like Hillary in 1992.

Trump is one of those men who plays the role of the loving doting husband and dad at home - but away - as he often is - we find the cliche player with money and power. We know how families defend these men for any number of reason. Years ago women would stay in a marriage like this - today if they can get out they leave.

With Trump's track record it's doubtful Melania, at 46, buys into his behavior, and will leave - or the marriage will change when this fiasco is over. She never appeared interested in politics or being the First Lady - seemingly shocked when the media unraveled things about her past.

This is one of the reasons many family men won't run for office. Everyone has a skeleton or two in their closet - when they come out and the story is embellished - life is never the same. Most have concluded that political office is not worth the sacrifice unless driven like Hillary for all of her life. She'll finally win and then what?

State Dinners

As the age of Obama draws to a close - the long goodbye continues tonight when the Obamas host their last state dinner.

From gate crashers to fashion statements, an Obama state-dinner retrospective   Washington Post - October 6 2016

As the White House staff polishes the silver for the last state dinner of the Obama administration, it's worth taking a look back at how the first couple - the youngest to occupy the White House since JFK and Jackie - has shaped the institution of the state dinner. The Tuesday evening affair will be their 14th state dinner, which is less than Bill Clinton (28) but more than George W. Bush (11). Rather than blowing up the state dinner, replacing it with a cocktail-dress-code event or maybe just one of the dance parties they have thrown for friends and family, the Obamas modernized it in subtle ways.

In most ways, they left the tradition that began well over a century ago - the most formal of Washington entertaining, with its black-tie dress code, heavy-stock invitations and high diplomacy - intact. Even as some observers have called such pinkie-fingers-crooked entertaining outmoded (former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders once boasted that he does not own a tuxedo and argued that black-tie dinners are not constitutionally mandated) and expensive, the Obamas preserved its formalities.