Thursday, October 6, 2016

Hurricane Matthew

The major story of the day is Hurricane Matthew. If you're in its direct path you're probably not reading this and hopefully in a safe place as the rest of the country watches the progression of the storm. Once again, people are facing high winds, flooding, power outages, and and all sorts of destruction. Events like this are life changers. As most of you know natural disasters and climate change are accelerating exponentially. There is no going back. This is always the inevitable in end times. There is no one to blame just to ride out the storms that face us on all levels of existence in the hologram and understand reality from a level greater than your personal experience.

As natural disasters and climate change accelerate ... also in the Atlantic ...

3 Volcano Spotted Erupting over a remote archipelago in the South Atlantic Ocean   Live Science - October 5, 2016
Three active volcanoes simultaneously erupting and unleashing giant plumes of smoke were spotted by a NASA satellite as it passed over a remote archipelago in the South Atlantic Ocean. The three stratovolcanoes - a type of composite volcano built of layers of lava, ash and stone - are located on the South Sandwich Islands, which are about 1,700 miles (2,800 kilometers) southeast of Buenos Aires, Argentina.