Friday, August 14, 2015

What's Black and White and
Read Over and Over?

Clients and Sarah and Alexander

Meet Gloria Rubin

Gloria was there when I spoke at the UN on August 11, 2006.

Here I am with Ben Erwin who designed the alchemy wheel for my book.

After my lecture, Gloria and I had dinner and felt a strong connection. Originally from Columbia, as a professional dancer, Gloria lived and performed in Spain, Paris, Italy and China before moving to NYC and NJ. She knows many fascinating people from around the world. Gloria later had a reading, attended some of my workshops, and bought 4 copies of "Sarah and Alexander", one for herself and three to give as gifts to friends. The years passed with Gloria returning for a reading Thursday August 13, 2015, bringing her friend Yvonne Maria Schaefer, an actress, producer, and director. Gloria told me stories about the adventures of her copy of "Sarah and Alexander" and how it moved from country to country as she lent it to different friends. As with many readers of the book, both Gloria and Yvonne felt a connection.

Meet Yvonne

We felt an instant affinity for each other in this and other lifetimes we explored over several hours.

While I read Gloria, Yvonne read the screenplay version of Sarah and Alexander. She feels that with some updating and rewrites it will become a film. She has endless connections, so you never know. Recently others have asked about the screenplay but as the storyline currently ends on July 4, 2012, I thought its time had come and gone. Maybe not. Maybe there is something that is supposed to happen. Yvonne and I have much in common in this lifetime and others. She was born and raised in Germany where the screenplay began .. and is somehow connected to my journey here. Stay tuned ... In case you hadn't noticed ... we all wore black and white.

August 14, 2015

New Moon 21° Leo